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Covid-19 Restriction: Drama as Pastors deny ministry, members to evade arrest



FCT City Gate
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There.was mild reaction as 3 pastors of some new generation churches on Sunday in Abuja denied their ministries and members after operatives of the Federal Capital Territory FCT Ministerial Enforcement Team moved in to arrest them for violating the ban on congregational worship in the territory. adsbygoogle || []).push({}); adsbygoogle || []).push({});

The Pastors who had partitioned a mountain at the Federal Housing area of Lugbe District traded words among themselves and even denied stewardship of the large crowd met worshipping at the hilltop.

The pastors were Ibitoye Kayode of the Liberty Faith Gospel Church, Joshua Olaniru of Liberty Gate Ministry and Vitalis Udeazi of Dominion Chapel.

Trouble started when the Enforcement team on COVID-19 Restrictions stormed the area following a tip off, but found it difficult to identify worshippers and their religious leaders.

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After a brief interrogation, the three pastors were indentified from the crowd, even though one of them, Vitalis Udeazi of Dominion Chapel struggled to conceal his identity.

He said none of his members were present at the time the taskforce arrived the mountain top, but this did not go down well with other pastors who protested vehemently that he was one of them.

Luck however ran out on him when some members pointed at him as their pastor. He still insisted that they were his prayer members.

For Joshua Olaniru of Liberty Gate Ministry, who argued that he was not among those holding worship session, a resident of the community availed the taskforce of a video clip which showed the cleric holding a worship session, a development which had led to a fight about an hour before the taskforce personnel arrived.

Speaking to the pastors, Chairman of the taskforce, Ikharo Attah queried; “why are you all denying these large groups of worshippers? No one among you agreed that anyone came to worship with them even when they turned out in large numbers. One of you even went ahead to deny being a pastor”.

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Also another cleric, Pastor Effiong Bassey of the Holiness Revival Ministry Church, Karamajiji was apprehended for holding a church service to mark the 60th birthday of a retired military colonel, P.E Ebong who left the military in 2015.

Addressing the pastor , Attah said, “you cannot hold a worship service in defiance of the directives of the Commander in Chief just to mark the 60th birthday of a retired colonel. Even for a serving colonel it is very wrong. You have to come with us and explain it to the magistrate at the mobile court”.

The Clerics were consequently arraigned before a Mobile Court presided over by Magistrate Akonni who found them guilty and fined them N5,000 each in addition to three hours of community service.

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The team also shut down the informal sector at the Dutse Alhaji market which was fully in operation on Sunday in contravention of the Administration’s guidelines. Four traders were arrested and arraigned at the Mobile court.

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The Idea of African Time is Embarrassing Africa – Imam Aliagan



Special Prayer Session During the 1445AH (2023) Ashraaf Islamic Foundation Maolidu Nabiyy
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The idea of African time again took the center stage over the weekend when the founder and chairman of Ashraaf Islamic Foundation, Imam Dr. Sharafudeen Abdussalam Aliagan highlighted the dire consequence it portends and the importance of time consciousness in our life and everything we do. adsbygoogle || []).push({}); adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Dr Aliagan came down heavy on ‘African Time’ propagators while delivering a keynote address during the (1445 AH Islamic Calendar) Ashraaf Islamic Foundation Maolidu Nabiyy, with the theme: INHERITANCE: Dissecting a Sensitive But Critical Aspect of Human Life saying, “in the invite, it is boldly written 10:00AM Islamic time. My first note is that Muslim of this part of this world should be more conscious of the time.”

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“This has been our problem and we continuously say it at Ashraaf that time is of essence. We must be conscious of time otherwise we might be losing a lot of things. We might not be able to get things right.”

“You have to change your mindset and be more conscious of time.”

“It has become our problem, let us not continuously embarrass Africa and say African Time. There is nothing like African Time; that is why in our invite, we find Islamic Time.”, he further said.

Imam Aliagan further thanked and appreciated those that came to the event before the time on the invite, saying that it exude leadership quality and time consciousness.

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Meaning of African Time, is when an event starts off several minutes or hours after the originally stipulated time in the invite. This ugly trend now brings the mindset that an event normally starts an hour or more after the stipulated time on the invite.

Imam Aliagan, the visionary founder of Ashraaf Islamic Foundation, has continuously worked towards educating and awakening the consciousness of Muslims and non-Muslims alike on topical issues of national concern. For years, his efforts have been showcased during the Annual celebration of his Foundation’s Maolid Nabiyy and Special Ramadan lectures and prayers.

Author Profile

Abdulrahman Obaje
Abdulrahman Obaje
Prince Abdulrahman Obaje is a Media, Information and Computer Technology Consultant. A quintessential Journalist, online marketer, social media strategist, Mathematician and Computer Scientist is based in Abuja, Nigeria. He is the Founder and the Publisher of The Informavores!. You can reach me on +234 805 939 5252 or send i-witness report directly to me on
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MULAN President Charges Muslim Lawyers On Piety During Ramadan




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The President, Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria (MULAN), Prof. Ibrahim Abikani, on Friday charges Muslim lawyers to continue to be pious and steadfast during the month of Ramadan and beyond.

The MULAN president made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Lagos. adsbygoogle || []).push({}); adsbygoogle || []).push({});

“My message to Muslim lawyers especially and Nigerian Muslims as a whole, is that the Ramadan is a period for sober reflections.

“It is a period when Muslims are supposed to be closer to God and be more empathetic about the plights of the less privileged,” he said.

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Abikani noted that even those who were most privileged all over the world go through same conditions during this period  just like the least of the less privileged of the world.

According to him, even if one is able to feed, at this time such person is compelled not to eat and so are in the same position as those who do not have the means.

“So, during this period, we remember those who are less privileged, we are closer to God; it is a moment to pray seriously for the nation and for ourselves.

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“Our country is in a critical moment, and so, Nigerian Muslims and the Muslims lawyers especially, should use this period to pray for themselves and pray for Nigeria as a nation,”nhe said.

Abikani congratulated every Muslim for witnessing this year Ramadan despite the global pandemic.

“We appreciate Him, and it is a moment we continue to thank Him for sparing our lives and we pray that every Muslim  have a successful fast and acceptance of  fast as individuals and as a nation,” he said. (NAN)

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Maolid Nabiy: Emulate Leadership Style of Prophet Muhammad – Imam Aliagan To Nigerian Leaders



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The founder of Ashraaf Islamic Foundation, Imam Sharafudeen Aliagan has charged Nigerian Leaders to emulate and learn from the leadership and life style of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), in their day to day leadership role. push({});

Aliagan, during the 3rd Annual Maolid Nabiy of Ashraaf Islamic Foundation in conjunction with Al-Aqsoh International Islamic School, Abuja reiterated that the love of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the emulation of his leadership and way of life is the ultimate route to salvation.

Aliagan said, “Let me say that if we all comply with the divine law, if we all agree with Allah, if we have not be in disagreement with the law of Allah subh anau wa tahala our life would not have been this way.

“Let me first state that love of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his life, his biography is not too far from the biography of Jesus Christ.

“Jesus Christ is God-sent messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a God-sent messenger. To Muslims, the greatest messenger of Allah is Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and if we learn from him, it will only better our life, it will only perfect our endeavours.

“So, to our Governors, to our leaders, they should not forget that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the President, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the Governor, and he was a Leader. He was never a Ruler. There is difference between being a leader and a ruler.

“And I want to say that if all our leaders should emulate the like of the politics of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the like of leadership of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the like of governances of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), they would lead us better and it would take us to the promise land. And the only person they can see as their role model remains the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

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“If they learn more about his leadership, his biography, his life, his humility, his type of leadership, they would surely lead us to the promise land.

Expanciating on the benefits of love, especially, the love of Prophet Muhammed (SAW), Imam Aliagan said that, “Alhamdulilahi robili alamin. When you look around as a Muslim in Islamic monotheism, when you have believe in the Almighty Allah Subhu anau wata ala, you are also expected, and required to have strong believe in the messenger-ship of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and if you must follow someone’s way, if you must emulate someone, if you must learn from someone, if you must copy someone, you must fall in love with such a person and when you now fall in love with the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), you would be able to follow his way. His way is Islam, his way is Al-Qur’an, his way is the way of Allah and when you follow that way, it would take you to salvation.

“When you have a teacher in the class, the more you have love for your teacher, the more you would understand what he teaches you.

“So, the love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is part of Islam. It is part of faith as far as Islamic monotheism is concerned.

“So, that is why the theme came up under Ashraaf Islamic Foundation in conjunction with Al-Aqso Islamic International School that the love of the holy Prophet Muhammed (SAW) which is part of our deen, which is part of Islam, which is required by Allah is the only way to salvation.

“We are indirectly saying that Islamic monotheism is the only way to salvation. You can never be a good Muslim, a perfect Muslim until you fall in love with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Until you follow Prophet Muhammad strictly, whole heartedly in totality, you can never find your way to salvation.

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“So, the Prophet of Islam is the Messiah, he is the greatest messenger of Allah, Subhu anau wa ta ala and you must fall in love with him and his love will surely take you to salvation because he is the Prophet of Islam, he is the one Allah sent to the whole Universe because he has universal messenger-ship.

The Guest Lecturer, Sheikh Bashir Ibraheem Barhama Gombe also harps on loving, emulating the leadership quality and his life style of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Sheikh Barhama Gombe said, “There is a lot to be emulated from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). If you look at the issue of governance, our leaders need to look at how passionate, how merciful and compassionate the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) deals with his subjects. He hardly bring something that is burdensome to the ummah, that as a leader, we should have that elements of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

“Secondly, is the issue of equality and fairness. The impartiality in terms of dealing with the affairs of his subjects whereby, irrespective of the political affinity, irrespective of religious affiliation or any sentiment, your subject is supposed to be treated impartial. This is one of the quality of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW).

“Thirdly, the issue of entrenching security in the polity. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always gives instruction about protection of the lives of the people, protection of the religion, protection of the family, protection of the entire apparatus of life, so with the issue of security, we should borrow a leaf from Prophet Muhammad (SAW).” He continued.

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Participants at the event attest to the benefits of Annual Maolid Nabiy.

A participant, Hajia Aisha Ibraheem said, “Alhamdulilahi, I learnt a lot of lessons from here today, because today we are celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and I am glad to be here because I have learnt a lot.

“Some of the things that I learnt today is that the good deed that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did and God blessed him, as he blessed him, he blessed we the followers too. So, alhamdulilahi from what I learnt from prophet Muhammed (SAW).”, she concluded.

Maolid Nabiy Celebration is the annual celebration of the Birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by the Muslims faithful.

The celebration entails a lineup of activities that include reading from the Holy Qur’an, Biography of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Lecture, entertainment of guests among other things.

Author Profile

Abdulrahman Obaje
Abdulrahman Obaje
Prince Abdulrahman Obaje is a Media, Information and Computer Technology Consultant. A quintessential Journalist, online marketer, social media strategist, Mathematician and Computer Scientist is based in Abuja, Nigeria. He is the Founder and the Publisher of The Informavores!. You can reach me on +234 805 939 5252 or send i-witness report directly to me on
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